What is this

This is my website, the place where I like to mess around with stuff. Below you will find a list of projects, posts, and things that I do and have done.

What I do

I’ve done a lot of things and many I don’t really talk about, but hopefully this site represents some of the best things that I’ve done. From Essays to my achievements, this site is to be the record that proves that I exist.

Who am I?

Someone who goes by the name Striped_Monkey among other variants. I’m a College student with 5 or so years of experience with Linux and am passionate about technology.

Google Domains SRV Records

SRV nonsense While trying to figure this out I’ve gotten familiar with exactly what SRV records are. To be honest they’re pretty neat and convenient. SRV records basically tell an application what port and address to look at when connecting to a specific domain/subdomain. Unfortunately there are a few caveats The application implements SRV behavior, not the Network. Meaning you cannot expect this to work with an arbitrary application or even port-address combination.

Granular SSH Management

Something I’ve always thought was important, but never found many great resources on was managing IdentityFiles with ssh. The Manpage explains most of it, but in usual Linux Documentation fashion it’s about as fun to read as a phone-book, thus this crappy blogpost. It’s not difficult, just annoyingly lackluster in terms of management documentation online. For the Longest time I had no idea that there was even a ~/.ssh/config file, let alone that you could specify separate Identities.

Project Status

Today, May 11th 2019, I created this website, for the sole purpose of being a portfolio and sandbox for the things that I want to test and play around with. By itself it gives me nothing but a place for my thoughts. It hopefully will become more than just that though, and this is the place where I hope to put my current and future projects that hopefully will come to fruition within the next few days, weeks, and years.

How To Make A Samba Server KISS-Style

For me personally Samba has been the easiest hassle-free way of sharing files over the network. It worked without any kind of complicated setup and allows me to share perfectly-legal movies, music, and even allows me to sync game files and such with ease. Other sites tend to have a rather overcomplicated config setup and generally make things more confusing than they have to. Hopefully this makes it easier. Note I’m not going to go over mounting anything or setting anything other than PAM authentication.